Philippe Truche’s Blog

20 August 2011

Throwing SOAP Faults in a WCF service being mindful of non-WCF clients

Filed under: .NET, WCF, Web Services — Tags: , , , , , , — Philippe Truche @ 9:28

I was engaged recently to design and write a WCF service that is to be consumed by an ASP.NET 2.0 client.  While I was aware that with a WCF service and a WCF client, using a System.ServiceModel.FaultException<TDetail>  was ideal for handling exception conditions, I wasn’t sure how this was going to be handled by .NET 2.0 since FaultException<TDetail> was introduced in .NET 3.0 – in .NET. 2.0, a SOAP faults are caught with  a System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException.

So off to trial and error I went and here is what I proposed.

Firstly, it is important to write a WCF service that can be consumed by a WCF client as well as a non-WCF client.  To this end, throwing SOAP faults should be done in a manner that both WCF clients and non-WCF clients can understand.  My first step was to make sure I had a standard WCF service with a WCF client that could understand the SOAP faults.  I created a DataContract for the SOAP fault I wanted to throw when certain conditions were met:

/// Thrown when no matching MPI is found.
/// </summary>
[DataContract(Namespace = WcfConfiguration.XmlNamespace)]
public class MpiNotFoundFault
	private string _mpi;

	/// Gets or sets the MPI.
	public string Mpi
		get { return _mpi; }
		set { _mpi = value; }

I  then specified my FaultContract on the service interface definition as follows:

public interface IMyPinService 
	[FaultContract(typeof(MpiNotFoundFault), Name ="MpiNotFoundFault", Namespace = WcfConfiguration.XmlNamespace, Action = WcfConfiguration.XmlNamespace +"/MpiNotFoundFault")] 
	bool RequestPin(string mpi, DateTime dob);

So far, so good.  Now, let’s see how we might throw this SOAP fault in the service implementation.  For the WCF client to work, I threw the exception as follows:

public bool RequestPin(string mpi, DateTime dob) 
	// Code elided
	throw new FaultException<MpiNotFoundFault>(new MpiNotFoundFault() { Mpi = mpi });

Then, in the WCF client, all I have to do is this:

// With a WCF client, we can catch specific exceptions and get to each fault contract&quot;s 
// contents by accessing the ex.Details propery.
catch (FaultException<MpiNotFoundFault> ex)
	Console.WriteLine(“MPI {0} was not found.“, ex.Detail.Mpi);

Yes, WCF does a lot of work for us.  However, when your client is not WCF, SOAP faults get a little bit more complicated.  Fortunately, there is a SOAP specification that can be referred to.  The SOAP 1.2 specification on soap faults is located here:  Notice I am introducing you to SOAP 1.2, not SOAP 1.1.  Yet, in the .NET 2.0 framework, when you use wsdl.exe to create a proxy class, the SOAP 1.1 protocol is defaulted.  That’s somewhat of a problem because is SOAP 1.1, faults may only have a faultcode and a faultstring.  It wasn’t until SOAP 1.2 that hierarchical codes and subcodes were defined.  To see the difference between the two, see

Why is this important you ask?  Well, if in my ASP.NET client (that does not know anything about WCF) all I have is a SoapException, then I’d like to use the code and subcode of the faults to communicate detail about the exception (of course, my service consumer is a trusted source and will filter the information appropriately before passing it on to its users, but that’s another topic entirely).

Here is what I want to do. In my ASP.NET client, I want to check the code and subcode to understand what the nature of the problem was.  Here is what my ASP.NET catch statement looks like this:

// In WCF we can catch specific exceptions by using FaultException<T> where T is one of the fault contracts 
// included in the service operation. In contrast, ASP.NET web services only allow for catching SoapException. 
// To get to the detail, use the SOAP Fault Code and Subcode as shown below. 
catch (SoapException ex)
	// The SOAP fault code always contains the string ‘CredentialValidationRequestFailed’
	Debug.WriteLine(ex.Code.Name); // prints the string "CredentialValidationRequestFailed"
	// The SOAP fault subcode contains the actual soap fault name without the Fault suffix
	Debug.WriteLine(ex.SubCode.Code.Name); // prints the string "MpiNotFound"

By doing this, I can see that my call failed because of a CredentialValidationRequestFailed code.  This code could occur for any number of reasons.  In this example, it occurred because of an MpiNotFound subcode, but I have another 3 subcodes that could have been the cause of the fault.

So what do I need to do to achieve this? Well I need to use SOAP 1.2 for sure.  On the service side, I configure the service using an HttpBinding. By default, this binding uses SOAP 1.1. and it can’t be changed. To use SOAP 1.2 for message encoding, I create a custom binding. My configuration file now looks like this:

        <binding name="basicHttpSoap12Binding">
          <textMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap12"/>
      <service name="MySoap12Service">
        <endpoint address="" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="basicHttpSoap12Binding"

On the client side, I use wsdl.exe to generate the proxy class; instead of letting the default SOAP 1.1 protocol apply, I pass in the protocol switch to specify the SOAP 1.2 protocol should be used as follows:  wsdl.exe /protocol:SOAP12. This causes the generated proxy to specify the SOAP 1.2 protocol in its constructor:

public partial class MyService : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol {
    // code elided
    public MyService() {
        this.SoapVersion = System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapProtocolVersion.Soap12;
        // code elided
    // code elided

Then, I need to throw my SOAP faults with a bit more information.  Here is the revised code snippet for throwing a SOAP fault that can now be understood by non-WCF clients:

throw new FaultException<MpiNotFoundFault>(new MpiNotFoundFault() { Mpi = mpi },
	String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, “MPI ‘{0}’ not found.“, mpi),
	new FaultCode(“CredentialValidationRequestFailed“, new FaultCode(“MpiNotFound“, WcfConfiguration.XmlNamespace)));

That’s it.  I throw the FaultException<MpiNotFoundFault> exception, passing in a new MpiNotFoundFault object into the constructor, then I pass in the reason as the “MPI ‘xyz’ not found” string, and then I create my code and subcodes.  And voila, I have happy WCF clients and happy non-WCF clients.

On the wire, the SOAP fault looks like this:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header />
          <s:Value xmlns:a="MyNamespace">a:MpiNotFound</s:Value>
        <s:Text xml:lang="en-US">MPI '123123' not found.</s:Text>
        <MpiNotFoundFault xmlns="MyNamespace" xmlns:i="">

14 July 2008

Using the Enterprise Library Validation Block with WCF Asynchronous Operations

Filed under: .NET, WCF — Tags: , , , , — Philippe Truche @ 3:58

I was recently surprised to find out first hand that the Enterprise Library Validation Block throws a somewhat obscure exception: ArgumentNullException(“operation.SyncMethod”) when the WCF AsyncPattern is employed.

By debugging into the Enterprise Library source code (EntLib 3.1), I came to understand that the Validation Block was coded to handle synchronous service operations only (using the FaultContract<ValidationFault> attribute on the service operation signature .  In our case, some of our operations also implement the asynchronous pattern and we have Begin and End method pairs for each.

While I was aware that one-way operations do not allow faults to be returned, I was’t sure about asynchronous service operations (implemented as asynchronous on the service side).  I checked the .NET documentation and was able to confirm that FaultContract<T> is supported on service operations implemented asynchronously using the AsyncPattern property.   A difficult to find comment exists in the documentation of the FaultException(TDetail) Generic Class: “The FaultContractAttribute can be used to specify SOAP faults for both two-way service methods and for asynchronous method pairs.”  See

With this information in hand, I reasonned that I should be able to modify the validation block.  I made the code changes, ran the NUnit tests included in the validation block, and employed the modified assembly on our asynchronous service operations.  I made modifications to ValidationParameterInspector.cs and ValidationBehavior.cs.  The scope of the modifications included the following methods:

  • ValidationParameterInspector.ValidationParameterInspector
  • ValidationParameterInspector.BeforeCall
  • ValidationBehavior.HasValidationAssertions

Note that the modifications apply to both EntLib 3.1 and EntLib 4.0.  The modifications are included below:

Changes to ValidationParameterInspector.cs

/// <summary>

/// Constructor to initialize <see cref=”InputValidators”/>.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// When the operation is a <see cref=”OperationDescription.BeginMethod”/> because it implements the

/// the <see cref=”OperationContractAttribute.AsyncPattern”/>,

/// it will cause the <see cref=”InputValidators”/> to have empty validators for the

/// <see cref=”AsyncCallback”>callback</see> and <see cref=”Object”>state</see> method

/// arguments.

/// </remarks>

/// <param name=”operation”>The <see cref=”OperationDescription”/> of the operation.</param>

/// <param name=”ruleSet”>A <see cref=”String”/> naming the ruleset to be used.</param>

public ValidationParameterInspector(OperationDescription operation, string ruleSet)


// Check the synchronous method of the service first. If the operation implements the

// OperationContractAttribute.AsyncPattern property, set the method to the BeginMethod.

MethodInfo method = operation.SyncMethod;

if (method == null) method = operation.BeginMethod;


foreach (ParameterInfo param in method.GetParameters())


switch (param.Attributes)


case ParameterAttributes.Out:

case ParameterAttributes.Retval:



inputValidators.Add(CreateInputParameterValidator(param, ruleSet));







/// <summary>

/// Performs the validations.

/// </summary>

/// <param name=”operationName”>A <see cref=”String”/> containing the name of the operation.</param>

/// <param name=”inputs”>

/// An <see cref=”object”/> array containing the input parameters of the method and expected as described on

/// the operation, and thus excluding input parameters resulting from the service’s implementation of the

/// <see cref=”OperationContractAttribute.AsyncPattern”/> property.

/// </param>

/// <returns>null</returns>

public object BeforeCall(string operationName, object[] inputs)


ValidationFault fault = new ValidationFault();

// Because there could be fewer inputs than inputValidators, iterate

// through the inputs to run the corresponding validations. This accounts

// for asynchronous methods where the callback and state are defined in the

// method but are not exposed outside the boundary of the service.

for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; ++i)


ValidationResults results = inputValidators[i].Validate(inputs[i]);

AddFaultDetails(fault, inputValidatorParameterNames[i], results);



if (!fault.IsValid)


   throw new FaultException<ValidationFault>(fault);



return null;



Changes to ValidationBehavior.cs

/// <summary>

/// Returns a <see cref=”Boolean”/> to indicate whether or not an operation has validation assertions.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// If the method implements the <see cref=”OperationContractAttribute.AsyncPattern”/> property,

/// the BeginMethod is used instead of the SyncMethod because the SyncMethod is null.

/// </remarks>

/// <param name=”operation”></param>

/// <returns></returns>

private bool HasValidationAssertions(OperationDescription operation)


if (operation == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(“operation”);


// Check the synchronous method of the service first. If the operation implements the

// OperationContractAttribute.AsyncPattern property, set the method to the BeginMethod.

MethodInfo methodInfo = operation.SyncMethod;

if (methodInfo == null) methodInfo = operation.BeginMethod;


return methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ValidatorAttribute), false).Length > 0 ||




I created a copy of this post on CodePlex.  See

2 June 2008

WCF, Conditional Compilation, and language differences

Filed under: .NET, WCF, Web Services — Tags: — Philippe Truche @ 11:46

Perhaps you might have defined WCF message contracts lately, and you want to be explicit about the encryption level you require for your message parts.  I am taking the example of a message contract, but really my point is applicable to any element to which you wish to apply the EncryptionLevel enumeration.

In C#:

[MessageHeader(Name="Environment", MustUnderstand=true
#if !DEBUG
 , ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.Sign

public String Environment
 get { return _environment; }
 set { _environment = value; }

#If CONFIG = "Debug"
 <MessageHeader(Name:="Environment", MustUnderstand:=True)> _
 Public Property Environment() As String
 <MessageHeader(Name:="Environment", MustUnderstand:=True, ProtectionLevel:=ProtectionLevel.Sign)> _
 Public Property Environment() As String
#End If
 Return _environment
 End Get
 Set(ByVal Value As String)
 _environment = Value
 End Set
 End Property


As you can see, there are some key differences in how attributes are specified using conditional compilation:
  • In C#, I can toggle parts of the same attribute on and off.  In VB.NET, I must repeat the entire attibute (no parts allowed by the compiler).
  • Because of line continuation constraints in VB.NET, the line following the line being continued must be included inside the conditional compilation block.
  • Using VB.NET in Visual Studio (2005 or 2008), it is not clear which part of the conditional compilation is “active” based on the selected configuration.  In C#, the inactive block is grayed out.

Keep in mind these “consequences” as you proceed with WCF attributes in the language you write with.

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